NST Community

No Small Talk is about making connection entertaining and meaningful. While it is a product, our vision is that it also becomes a community. A community of engagement, curiosity, and stretched thinking. Where we approach conversations with a goal of expanding our view of ourselves and each other.

As you play NST in your circles, we challenge you to sometimes make space for new folks that may not think, look, or live like you. Yes, the point is to connect with your people and have tons of fun while doing it, but the cards are also a tool for diverse opinions to interact. So have a NST party and have everyone bring a new face.

Some of the cards broach testy topics, but that is by design. Stretch yourself, remember?  Don’t be afraid to go where the cards take you. If your group starts in one direction and the momentum takes a 180º turn, lean in! NST is meant to entertain and amuse but also usher in connection.

We want to hear how things shake out, so be sure to share your experiences! Tag or DM us on IG, Twitter or Facebook at @NoSmallTalkin